다양한 혈액종양질환을 정리하고 있습니다.
오늘은 골수증식성 종양 (Myeloproiferative neoplasm, MPN) 중
본태성 혈소판증가증 (Essential thrombocythemia, ET)에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
1. Definition
Essential thrombocythemia(ET) is a chronic MPN that primarily involves the megakaryocytic lineqge.
It is characterized by sustained thrombocytosis (platelet count ≥450 × 10^9/L) in the peripheral blood and increased numbers of large, mature megakaryocytes in the bone marrow.
Q) 본태성 혈소판증가증에서 골수 검사가 필요한 이유는 무엇일까?
혈소판(PLT) 수치 상승과 JAK2-related mutation만 증명되면 진단 내릴 수 있는 것 아닌가?
A) ET와 Prefibrotic/early PMF를 감별하기 위해서 골수 검사가 필요합니다!
두 질환에서 Megakaryocyte의 크기, 모양이 서로 다르고 fibrosis grade 또한 차이가 나죠.
더 자세한 설명은 아래 게시물을 참고하세요!
골수 검사(6) - 본태성 혈소판증가증. Essential Thrombocythemia
골수 검사(6) - 본태성 혈소판증가증. Essential Thrombocythemia
이번 시간엔 짤막하게 본태성 혈소판증가증에 대해 알아보겠습니다! 말초혈액에서 혈소판 개수가 450만 개/uL보다 높을 때 본태성 혈소판 증가증, Essential Thrombocythemia(ET)를 의심할 수 있고, 말초
2. Localization
The blood and bone marrow are the principal sites of involvement. The spleen does not show significant extramedullary hematopoiesis, but is a sequestration site for platelets.
3. Clinical features
More than half of all cases are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis, discovered incidentally when an elevated platelet count is found on a routine CBC.
The other half present with some manifestation of vasular occlusion or hemorrhage.
- TIA, transient ischemic attacks
- Digital ischemia with paresthesia or gangrene
- Splenic/Hepatic vein thrombosis
- Mucosal bleeding
4. Microscopy
Peripheral Blood
- Mared Thrombocytosis
- Platelets often display anisocytosis, ranging from tiny forms to atypical large/giant platelets.
- Leukoerythroblastosis and tear-drop cells are not seen in ET.
Bone marrow
- Normal cellularity, but a small proportion of cases showed hypercellular marrow
- Marked proliferation of megakaryocytes, with predominance of large to giant forms displaying abundant, mature cytoplasm and deeply lobed and hypersegmented (staghorn-like) nuclei.
- The network of reticulin fiber is usually normal, or is very rarely(<5%) minimally increased but never more than WHO grade 1.
- Emperipolesis of bone marrow elements is frequently observed in ET, but is not a specific finding.
5. Prognosis and Progression
ET is an indolent disorder characterized by long Sx-free intervals interrupted by occasional live-threatening thromboembolic or hemorrhagic events.
10% 가량의 ET 환자들은 수 년 후, fibrosis grade MF-2/3의 골수 섬유화가 진행되기도 한다. 이를 Post-ET myelofibrosis라고 한다. 그 진단 기준은 아래와 같다.
ET의 blast phase로의 transformation도 가능은 하나, 5% 미만으로 추정되고 대부분 cytotoxic therapy에 의한 therapy-related myeloid neoplasm (t-RMN)인 것으로 파악된다.
The WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and LymphoidTissues, IARC 2017
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